The Hardest Classes Every Computer Engineer Will Take

It is a common understanding that any engineering is a difficult major and that is well put for computer engineering. In my opinion computer engineering is one of the hardest engineering majors because it is more magical in nature, that is you cannot directly see everything happening like you could in mechanical engineering, and all the classes are challenging. However there are some classes that are considered to be more challenging than others and all computer engineers fear taking them. These classes along with the semesters they are taken are listed below. These classes are classes all electrical engineers have to take so they will not include electives, it will also be based on the Michigan Tech curriculum.  This also will not include core subjects such as chemistry, physics, and the mathematics classes. With that said lets get into what I consider to be the most challenging computer engineering classes and why they are so difficult.

The Classes in No Particular Order

    1. HW/SW Integration-Semester 6
      1. This is class on extremely low level programming so you will be working in assembly and c so you need to have a strong base.
      2. The labs are some of the most difficult labs that will be taken.
      3. It is a different class than anything that has been taught up until this point. It is really a fusion of all that was learned.
    2. Systems Programming-Semester 6
      1. It is neither a high level nor low level programming in the way you would think.
      2. It is completely new material that forces you to know c very well or learn it quickly in order to do well in the class.
      3. Does not allow you to use any functionality built into the language to already do these things which is frustrating and confusing at the same time
    3. Computer Networks-Semester 7
      1. Teaches how computers interact with each other which is completely new
      2. It is a wave of new material that seems completely foreign because it is so much.
      3. Like many other classes it covers much material without going into depth to answer the questions posed.
    4. Concurrent Programming-Semester 5
      1. The class is about running multiple processes at the same time so there is much more to keep track of and will cause you to have bugs in code.
      2. It is different than anything done so far
      3. It is difficult material and it teaches you to use functions and kernel calls in new ways.
    5. Intro to algorithms-Semester 6
      1. This is a very math intensive class and it is not practical but theoretical math
      2. It is an application of all the theoretical proofs you have learned up to this point
      3. You are not practicing your programming abilities rather you are trying to solve the same problems in the most efficient way possible.

As you can see there are many similarities as to why the classes are difficult. Most of this is due to increased workload, abstract material that poses questions without complete answers, and difficult mathematics behind them. I would warn you to be on the lookout for these classes and make sure you put in the work when you need to take them.